Feb 13, 2010

Weblogic Authentication Provider

In WebLogic Server, Authentication providers are used to prove the identity of users or system processes. Authentication providers also remember, transport, and make that identity information available to various components of a system (via subjects) when needed. During the authentication process, a Principal Validation provider provides additional security protections for the principals (users and groups) contained within the subject by signing and verifying the authenticity of those principals.

WebLogic supports Authentication Providers that can validate user credentials based on a username-password combination or a digital certificate. The security provider repository, which stores the user and group information, can be implemented in the following ways:
  • As an embedded LDAP server, which is the default used by WebLogic's security providers
  • As an external LDAP store, such as Open LDAP, Active Directory, Novell, or NDS
  • As a DBMS, which can be used to host the data for enterprise applications
  • As a text file, which is used by WebLogic's sample security providers

Users and Groups, Principals and Subjects

user is similar to an operating system user in that it represents a person.

group is a category of users, classified by common traits such as job title. Categorizing users into groups makes it easier to control the access permissions for large numbers of users.

Both users and groups can be used as principals by application servers like WebLogic Server. A principal is an identity assigned to a user or group as a result of authentication.

The Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) requires that subjects be used as containers for authentication information, including principals. Each principal stored in the same subject represents a separate aspect of the same user's identity, much like cards in a person's wallet. (For example, an ATM card identifies someone to their bank, while a membership card identifies them to a professional organization to which they belong.)

The figure 1-1 below illustrates the relationships among users, groups, principals, and subjects.

As part of a successful authentication, principals are signed and stored in a subject for future use. A Principal Validation provider signs principals, and an Authentication provider's LoginModule actually stores the principals in the subject. Later, when a caller attempts to access a principal stored within a subject, a Principal Validation provider verifies that the principal has not been altered since it was signed, and the principal is returned to the caller (assuming all other security conditions are met).

The Authentication Process:

The Figure 1-2 below shows a behind-the-scenes look of the authentication process for a fat-client login. JAAS runs on the server to perform the login. Even in the case of a thin-client login (that is, a browser client) JAAS is still run on the server.

When a user attempts to log into a system using a username/password combination, WebLogic Server establishes trust by validating that user's username and password, and returns a subject that is populated with principals per JAAS requirements.

The Authentication Provider adheres to the standard JAAS framework by structuring the authentication sequence on top of a number of configurable JAAS LoginModules. LoginModules are critical components of an Authentication Provider, as they are responsible for authenticating users within a security realm and populating the subject with the required principals (existing users and groups).

WebLogic demands that you have at least one authentication provider configured in your security realm.

   Authentication Providers’ Control Flag Values :

The control flag of each authentication provider can take the following values:

REQUIRED: This option is the default setting for any Authentication Provider. A required Authentication Provider is always invoked, irrespective of the control flag settings on other providers. The overall authentication cannot succeed if any REQUIRED provider fails. Thus, REQUIRED providers are always invoked, and overall authentication fails if any one of them fails.

REQUISITE: This option also requires the Authentication Provider to succeed during the login sequence. However, all of the REQUISITE providers need not be invoked for the overall authentication to succeed. If a REQUISITE provider succeeds, the authentication proceeds as normal to other providers in the sequence. However, if it fails, the overall authentication cannot succeed, and control is immediately passed back to the application once all REQUIRED providers in the login sequence have been invoked.

SUFFICIENT: This option does not require the Authentication Provider to succeed during the login sequence. If a SUFFICIENT provider does succeed, the overall authentication proceeds to ensure that only the remaining REQUIRED providers in the login sequence are executed. However, if it fails, the overall authentication proceeds as normal to the other providers in the login sequence.

OPTIONAL: This option does not require the Authentication Provider to succeed during the login sequence. Regardless of whether an OPTIONAL provider succeeds, the authentication proceeds to other providers that have been configured as part of the login sequence.

When multiple LoginModules are used to authenticate a user, the authentication occurs in two phases. During the first phase, the modules are asked to attempt to authenticate the user. Only if the modules pass this phase is the second phase invoked. During thesecond phase, each module commits the login and assigns the relevant principals to the subject. The control flags influence how this two-phase commit occurs. Thus, for the overall authentication to succeed, the following rules must be met:
  • All REQUIRED modules must be invoked, and each must successfully validate the user.
  • Any REQUISITE module that gets invoked must successfully validate the user.
  • If a SUFFICIENT module successfully validates the user, the overall success depends on the success of all REQUIRED modules, and any REQUISITE modules invoked before the SUFFICIENT module.
  • If the login sequence consists only of OPTIONAL modules, at least one module must successfully validate the user.